2021 Lost Dutchman District Maverick Camporee

THEME: The theme for the 2021 Maverick Camporee is “Movies at Maverick.” The different competition events will be based on this theme.

DATE: Friday to Sunday, September 24 – 26, 2021

COST: $12.00 per scout or adult. This cost includes charges for Geronimo facilities, materials, patch, awards and environmental fees.

CHECK-IN: Check-in is on Friday, from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM at the gatehouse. Troops/Crews should try to be at Camp Geronimo no later than 9:00 PM. It is expected to have the SPL/ASPL check-in the unit.

This event must have 50 registrants by August 13th, 2021 to avoid cancelation.

Maverick Troops and Crews
Camp Geronimo
Friday 09-24-2021 6:00 PM MT to
Sunday 09-26-2021 11:30 AM MT

Webelos-AOL Maverick Weekend
Camp Geronimo
Friday 09-24-2021 6:00 PM MT to
Sunday 09-26-2021 11:30 AM MT

More information and registration at: https://scoutingevent.com/010-2021Maverick