Leadership Positions
District Key 3
Responsible to the council president or the vice president of district operations to run the program of Scouting in their district as directed by the executive board of the council.
Primary Responsibilities
- As a member of the Key 3, coordinate the work of the district to ensure the success of the units in the district.
- Identify and recruit enough of the right people as operating committee chairs.
- Plan and preside at district committee meetings.
- Represent the district on the executive board.
- Responsible for all communication between the council and the district.
- Help to secure support for Scouting from top community leaders.
- Annually, appoint a district Nominating committee to select nominees for district officers and members at large.
- As a member of the Key 3, ensure that the district shows improvement in Journey to Excellence.
Expected Meeting Attendance
- Executive Board Meetings
- District Committee Meetings
- District Key 3 Meetings
- District Roundtable
The district commissioner is the quality control officer who recruits, trains, and leads a staff of commissioners who coach adult leaders of every unit to succeed. The district commissioner is responsible for the unit service function of the district. They are approved and appointed by the council executive board, with the concurrence of the Scout executive, on the recommendation of the district nominating committee.
Primary Responsibilities
- Is an enthusiastic leader of adults.
- Inspires confidence and builds morale in unit adults.
- Has practical knowledge of Scouting or, more important, is a fast-track learner.
- Is diplomatic and can handle difficult unit situations while maintaining good relations with unit adults.
- Strongly believes in Scouting and its ideals.
- Respects cultural and socioeconomic differences.
- Respects personality differences.
- Adapts well to changing unit circumstances.
- Is persistent, yet patient, with unit adults.
- Stays focused on specific unit needs, and helps each assigned unit become more effective with its program.
Expected Meeting Attendance
- Executive Board Meetings
- District Committee Meetings
- District Key 3 Meetings
- District Roundtable
- Periodic meetings with assigned units
The district executive is the full-time professional in the district. This person is employed by the council and works under the direction of the council Scout executive. The district executive welcomes all suggestions and knows that you will need close cooperation to get the job done through volunteers.
Primary Responsibilities
- Provide professional coaching
- Propose plans, usually “pencil drafts,” for your consideration
- Suggest action plans for recruiting additional members of the commissioner staff
- Give inspiration and encouragement
- Maintain regular contact with heads of chartered organizations
- Keep district records up-to-date
- Arrange for the council’s office services such as mailings, meeting notices, etc.
- Provide vital behind-the-scenes administrative skill
- Work with and support volunteers
Expected Meeting Attendance
- Executive Board Meetings
- District Committee Meetings
- District Key 3 Meetings
- District Roundtable
- Periodic meetings with units throughout the district
Finance Committee
Responsible to the district chair for building an organization capable of executing the district’s overall finance plan in support of the strategic plan.
Primary Responsibilities
- Accept the responsibility to ensure that the district meets its fundraising needs
- Assist the council president and Scout executive in maintaining the best possible relationships with all United Way partners
- Responsible for the administration of the district fund development strategy:
- Conduct monthly fund development committee meetings
- Assist in the recruiting and support of subcommittee chairs: FOS, special events, popcorn, project sales, etc.
- Provide coaching and guidance to subcommittee chairs
- Conduct regular report meetings of your volunteer committee
- Give leadership to monthly reviews and recommendations in regard to the district’s fundraising performance
- Periodically review department performance as measured against budget and history
- Maintain and interpret to the district the finance policies of the Boy Scouts of America
- Help develop and achieve the goals in the Fund Development area to help the district improve in the Journey to Excellence finance criteria annually
- Inform units of unit financing policies
- Review unit money earning applications
Expected Meeting Attendance
- Finance Committee Meetings
- District Committee Meetings
Responsible to the district finance chair for building an organization capable of soliciting sufficient donors to successfully reach the district’s Friends of Scouting goal within the established campaign timetable. Ensure annual participation by top-level individual, business, and corporate donors and district goal attainment.
Primary Responsibilities
- Chair and give direction to ensure that prospects are worked (solicited) by the “right” enrollers
- Work cooperatively with the special events chairs to avoid duplicate solicitation of prospects while maximizing participation
- Conduct and chair prospect and evaluation meetings to add new contributors and upgrade current and past contributors
- Recruit and assign enough of the “right” captains and enrollers to ensure effective coverage in face-to-face solicitation of district campaign prospects (one enroller solicits a maximum of five prospects). Enrollers will be asking others to give at a level at which they are comfortable contributing
- Assist in the training (as needed) of all district campaign workers
- Chair and plan the district campaign kickoff, report, and victory meetings to maintain campaign discipline
- Assist in the securing of sponsorships (as needed) for campaign-related expenses of the kickoff, report meetings, and victory celebrations
- Serve as a resource to district campaign captains in securing additional names for enrollers
- Keep the district’s campaigns on schedule through open communication
- Work closely with the vice president of fund development and district executive
- Enroll as a lead donor in the district’s Friends of Scouting campaign
Expected Meeting Attendance
- Finance Committee Meetings
- District Committee Meetings
- Orientation and training meeting
- Prospect and evaluation meeting(s)
- Campaign kickoff meetings
Working closely with the council popcorn kernel, responsible to the district finance chair for building an organization of district and unit kernels who can promote the annual Trail’s End Popcorn sale at the unit level. The annual popcorn sale represents the single largest fundraising project for units and is a major funding stream for the council. Organization of a volunteer-driven sale is a critical element to the continued growth and success of the sale.
Primary Responsibilities
- Recruit a District Popcorn Committee consisting of individuals to fill the jobs of marketing, distribution, training, and finance
- Work with the District Popcorn Committee to meet with all Units to help them plan their popcorn sales campaign
- Working with the Popcorn Committee, contact Units individually to explain the popcorn sale, attain their commitment
- Responsible for the administration of the district popcorn sale strategy:
- Attend Council kick-off and briefing meetings
- Provide coaching and guidance to committee members
- Conduct regular report meetings of your volunteer committee
- Work with District Committee to conduct popcorn sale Training in your District
- Promote sale by participating in your District’s program kickoff and Roundtables
- Set up display with product, sales material and Unit commitment forms to encourage Units to learn more about the popcorn sale and the benefits to their Unit
- Ensure product is verified at delivery location before Unit delivery day and coordinate distribution on delivery day. Distribution sites need to have Boy Scout staff as well as plenty of volunteers. It is important we make distribution as easy as possible for our Units. Plan to arrive early or come in the night before to start separating the orders
- Attend Council popcorn victory meeting. Submit comments on effectiveness of the sale and recommendations
- Give leadership to reviews and recommendations in regard to the district’s popcorn performance
- Periodically review popcorn sale performance as measured against budget and history
- Help develop and achieve the goals in the Fund Development area to help the district improve in the Journey to Excellence finance criteria annually
Expected Meeting Attendance
- Finance Committee Meetings
- District Committee Meetings
- Unit kernel training
- Unit kickoff meetings
- Report meetings
- Wrap-up/critique meeting
Nominating Committee
Primary Responsibilities
- Chair all meetings of the nominating committee
- Build a committee of four to eight top-caliber individuals who represent the district
- With the help of the district chair and district executive, evaluate the effectiveness of all district committee members and suggest changes necessary to achieve the district’s mission
- Solicit the ideas of existing members and community leaders for potential new members
- Be familiar with the job descriptions and responsibilities of the functional positions in the district
- Through the help of the committee’s members, ensure that all potential members are visited and are committed to active participation
- Work closely with the district executive to see that all new members are invited to participate in the annual meeting
- Present the slate of new members at the district’s annual meeting
- Encourage all newly elected members to attend the new member orientation
Expected Meeting Attendance
- Nominating Committee Meetings
- District Committee Meetings
Primary Responsibilities
- With the help of the district chair and district executive, evaluate the effectiveness of all district committee members and suggest changes necessary to achieve the district’s mission
- Solicit the ideas of existing members and community leaders for potential new members
- Be familiar with the job descriptions and responsibilities of the functional positions in the district
- Through the help of the committee’s members, ensure that all potential members are visited and are committed to active participation
- Work closely with the district executive to see that all new members are invited to participate in the annual meeting
- Present the slate of new members at the district’s annual meeting
- Encourage all newly elected members to attend the new member orientation
Expected Meeting Attendance
- Nominating Committee Meetings
- District Committee Meetings
Membership Committee
Responsible to the district chair to recruit and build a volunteer committee structure to ensure steady, balanced, membership growth throughout the district, paying particular attention to areas of special need, while maintaining mutually beneficial relationships with chartered organizations and other community and youth-serving groups within the district’s territory.
Primary Responsibilities
- Develop a plan to achieve the annual membership goals, including new-unit organization, Tiger Cub graduation, Webelos transition, fall roundup, spring and fall School Night for Scouting programs, and other membership programs as needed
- Monitor achievement on a monthly basis; be alert to deviations or trends that demand a response; strive to maintain monthly balanced growth and improved membership retention in all programs.
- Attend district committee meetings, reporting in the field of responsibility, while lending expertise to the decision-making process
- Gather annual school enrollment statistics in order to determine market penetration as an aid for determining new-unit organization needs
- Give attention to youth with special needs, those in rural areas, those in low-income areas, etc.
- Develop and expand relationships between chartered organizations and the district
- Cultivate community organizations, groups, and associations that might become chartered organizations or support Scouting in other ways
- Conduct, as needed, relationships conferences and chartered organization representative training
- Support the religious emblems program of chartered organizations
- Conduct a community organization survey, listing all community organizations with interests within the district territory, surveying their needs and desires regarding young people and their ability to organize one or more units
- Meet with the council membership chair at the council’s coordinated committee meetings to plan, share ideas, and for training
- Help develop and achieve the goals in the membership area to help the district improve in the Journey to Excellence membership criteria annually
Expected Meeting Attendance
- Membership Committee Meetings
- District Committee Meetings
- Council Coordinated Meetings
Responsible to the membership chair for recruiting and building an organization of volunteers that plans, promotes, and successfully carries out the annual School Night for Scouting program throughout the district. The School Night for Scouting program represents the single most important event in the district’s annual membership plan and provides an opportunity for boys and their families to learn for the first time about the Boy Scouts of America and to join the program.
Primary Responsibilities
- Accept responsibility for achieving the district’s membership and recruitment goals
- Secure cooperation of the school superintendents and school principals
- Give leadership to the recruiting of school coordinators for each School Night location
- Call a meeting and lead a training session for all school coordinators, organizers, and commissioners
- Follow up with school coordinators to see that:
- School principals are contacted
- Unit leaders are contacted
- School Night briefing meetings are held for unit leaders in each school
- Promotional materials are distributed in all schools
- The plan is reviewed with all school custodians
- Keep the district committee informed as to progress of recruiting plans and results
- Through cooperative efforts with the district’s communications committee, publicize the School Night program through all media sources
Expected Meeting Attendance
- Membership Committee Meetings
- District Committee Meetings
- Council Coordinated Meetings
- School Coordination Meetings
Programs Committee
Responsible to the district chair for recruiting and building an organization of volunteers to strengthen and enrich unit program by overseeing the district’s program function and supporting the work of the district program volunteers.
Primary Responsibilities
- Recruit, train/orient, inspire, and motivate volunteers to carry out the committee functions through chairs for (1) Cub Scout camping and outdoor program, (2) Scout camping and outdoor program, (3) activities and civic service, (4) advancement and recognition, and (5) district and council training events
- Assist each chair in recruiting key committee chairs and members for Cub Scout camping and outdoor, Scout camping and outdoor, activities and civic service, advancement and recognition, and training
- Attend district committee meetings, reporting in the field of responsibility, while lending expertise to the decision-making process
- Participate actively in building the program portion for the district in the council’s strategic plan
- Utilize program reports and records to monitor progress, watch for changes, and respond to trends
- Give leadership to the annual process of program evaluation, goal setting, and program development that result in the annual district program planning calendar
- Work cooperatively with Venturing to ensure that a quality program is coordinated with all planned activities and developed using all the resources of the district
- Help develop and achieve the goals in the program area to help the district improve in the Journey to Excellence program criteria annually
- Follow the council activity budget process
Expected Meeting Attendance
- Program Committee Meetings
- District Committee Meetings
- District Roundtable
- Council Coordinated Meetings
Responsible to the program chair for running fun, exciting, safe program for units. Promote the organization and implementation of service projects as a way to educate Scouts and make them aware of their obligation as scouts to help others.
Primary Responsibilities
- Develop activities for use at the unit and district levels. Activities could include:
- An annual Webelos activity
- An anniversary celebration
- Summertime programs
- Where-to-go and what-to-do pamphlet
- Athletic events
- Scout shows
- Fitness and safety program
- Skills meet
- Camporees
- Promote the idea of performing civic service throughout the district’s territory.
- Promote that every unit should be doing multiple Good Turn projects every year, and for the units to do so in a visible manner wearing the Scout uniform whenever practical.
- Promote and help organize super-activities for Venturing crews.
- Work with all units to ensure they are entering their service project man-hours into the Journey to Excellence Web link.
- Conduct an annual survey of unit leaders to determine unit needs and wishes for district activities.
- Plan, promote and conduct Scouting Anniversary Week activities.
- Plan the district’s annual meeting and scouters recognition dinner.
Expected Meeting Attendance
- Program Committee Meetings
- District Committee Meetings
- District Roundtable
Responsible to the program chair for promoting the advancement plan to units, providing training in the advancement plan to district personnel, and providing meaningful reports on advancement.
Primary Responsibilities
- Maintain advancement standards and records and set meaningful goals
- Present lifesaving awards, special district awards, and other recognitions
- Develop lists of Eagle Scout service projects
- Produce a merit badge counselor list
- Find, register, and train merit badge counselors
- Work toward improving the number of youth members who advance annually as stated in the Journey to Excellence program
- Assist conducting Eagle Scout boards of review
- Maintain meaningful advancement reports
- Conduct an Eagle Scout recognition program annually
- Review and approve Eagle Scout service project plans
- Participate in or conduct Eagle Scout boards of review
Expected Meeting Attendance
- Program Committee Meetings
- District Committee Meetings
- District Roundtable
- Eagle Boards of Review
Responsible to the program chair to ensure every youth a quality program of outdoor camping, preferably at our council’s camp, and high adventures to ensure their continued interest.
Primary Responsibilities
- Through the Order of the Arrow, ensure promotion to all Scout troops for a long-term summer camp experience, preferably at our council’s camp.
- Through the high adventure subcommittee ensure promotion of high-adventure programs conducted locally and nationally.
- Through the Order of the Arrow, ensure promotion to all Cub Scout packs of Cub Scout day camps, Cub Scout resident camp, and Webelos adventure camp and the Summertime Pack Award.
- Ensure that all Boy Scouts have the opportunity for 10 days and nights of outdoor camping.
- Through the Order of the Arrow Key 3 (chapter chief, chapter adviser, and staff adviser), ensure promotion of the Order of the Arrow and its effective operation within the chapters and lodge.
- Promote the use of camperships.
- Through the COPE and climbing subcommittee, ensure the promotion and utilization of the COPE and climbing programs at summer camp and year-round.
- With commissioners, help packs, troops, teams and crews plan a year-round schedule of camping and outdoor program activities.
- Supervise use of off-council camping by tour permits and inspections.
- Work to ensure improvement in the Journey to Excellence camping criteria.
Expected Meeting Attendance
- Program Committee Meetings
- District Committee Meetings
- District Roundtable
Responsible to the program chair for the training of district volunteers at all levels (unit, district) by coordinating the efforts of the district training committee and maintaining the high standards for all training courses offered. Training is one of the critical issues to developing and conducting quality programs at all levels.
Primary Responsibilities
- Encourage and assist in planning and implementing a total leadership growth and development plan for all leaders, regardless of position
- Select, recruit, and train trainers for district training events
- Plan, coordinate, and schedule effective, year-round leadership training programs using the most current training materials of the Boy Scouts of America
- Help conduct or coordinate council training events, which might include Wood Badge, Boy Scout Leader Outdoor session, Webelos Leader Outdoor Training, National Youth Leader Training, and Chartered Organization Representative Training
- Approve applications for training recognition and service awards
- Develop procedures for evaluating the effectiveness of the district’s leadership training program
- Promote and support out-of-council training events, such as Philmont, area, and regional conferences
- Ensure that backup training records are maintained in the local council service center.
- Coordinate the completion of unit training inventories
- Complete and maintain an inventory of training supplies and materials
- Meet (as needed) with the council training chair at the council’s coordinated meetings to plan and coordinate training courses and monitor achievement of council and district goals
- Promote all on-line training through the Online Learning Center
- Give special assistance in the training of new unit leaders
Expected Meeting Attendance
- Program Committee Meetings
- District Committee Meetings
- District Roundtable
Communications Committee
Communications Chair
The primary mission of the marketing committee is to assist the district in conveying the benefits of Scouting to the general public and the Scouting family. The marketing program should create and maintain a climate of support and understanding that will assist the district in achieving its objectives.
Primary Responsibilities
- Work with the district activities chairs and council staff to develop and implement a marketing plan utilizing all event and communications opportunities to reach target audiences
- Utilize all media sources to create a high public visibility of the district and council
- Plan and execute marketing programs that will strengthen chartered organization relationships on a year-round basis
- Develop marketing opportunities, both internal and external, to provide public recognition of volunteers with a particular emphasis on unit-related personnel
- Serve as a resource for all internal printed material, with an emphasis on the district’s and/or council’s monthly newsletter
- Work with the district executive to develop an annual plan for monthly marketing emphasis
Expected Meeting Attendance
- Communications Committee Meetings
- District Committee Meetings
Metrics Committee
Metrics Coordinator
Reports to the District Chair to track, evaluate, support, communicate and provide timely followup with the district committee on all measures of district performance (lagging indicators) based on current Council goals and objectives (leading indicators).
Primary Responsibilities
- Recruit an assistance metrics coordinator to support two-deep leadership and succession planning.
- Attend training required or recommended for this position, and require and encourage Scouters to attend their required training courses.
- Work closely with the District Committee to:
- Interpret the Vision Goal report; the Annual Goal report and JTE report for district leadership.
- Report JTE reports, advising district leadership on where district is falling behind or where district needs to take corrective action, noting units that are not submitting reports.
- Review district entries into the Annual Goal report, currently:
- # BeAScout qualified units
- # new “new unit” commissioners
- # recruiting night schools covered
- # FOS presentations made to units with zero prior year giving history
- # FOS presenters recruited
- # camp promotion teams recruited
- Units not scheduled for camping receiving promotion visits
- JTE financial goals
- Ensure that four functions occur sufficiently far in advance of the lagging indicators so that they truly reflect the district’s work.
- Follow up with Council staff if submitted data does not reflect in current reports
Expected Meeting Attendance
- District Committee Meetings
- Council Metrics Meetings